About Bivius Luxembourg

The takeover of the establishment happens in 2016 and a process of continuous improvement is embraced in order to enhance the level of the offered services.

Our actions are geared towards a responsible economy caring about our environment.

The challenge in the hospitality and restaurant industry stays in finding the balance between the quality of the offered services and waste limitation, between keeping up quality standards and effective resources management.

Whilst ensuring the financial viability of the company, we bid to get a better understanding of our actions in regards of our approach to this responsible economy.

Our waste management is overseen in collaboration with the label SuperDrecksKëscht®, action of the Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures, Chambre des Métiers, the Chambre de Commerce and certified by the standard ISO 14024.

This way, waste removal is guaranteed by authorized waste collectors that guarantee its recycling through a high quality treatment in a transparent manner.

The napkins in our restaurant are woven from a thread made of plastic bottles thanks to an innovative process. Our leather table runners impart a warm and natural touch, and unlikely to cotton or paper tablecloths, the water consumption used for its cleaning is minimal and no waste is generated.

A total migration of LED bulbs took place, lightning in the hallways works with movement sensors, decoration lamps are linked to crepuscular switches and our big windows allow us to benefit the outmost from the daylight. Our PCs are switched off over nighttime so as any other equipment which is not essential.

Our choices in regards of chemicals, comestibles, suppliers and commercial partners take into account their ecological impact. This is why we buy paper made 100% out of recycled fibres, we avoid packaging in excess and favor regional products etc.

Other significant steps happen on daily basis through simple acts:

Papersheets are systematically reused on their back as drafts, our restaurant menu which are not presentable anymore get a second lease of life in form of notepads for example. If you do not need a physical invoice, we are happy to send it to your email address upon request and within a click: no more loss!

Rather than featuring your name on the TV screen of your hotel room, we prefer to provide you with a warm welcome and a big smile to make yourself comfortable.

During your stay, linen are not changed on daily basis and the principle that only towels left on the ground floor are to be changed, is applied.

Let’s be honest: the costs for a towel or linen only used once are quite important and would affect the price of our services. From an ecological point of view, reusing your towels is limiting water consumption and transportation (CO2).

The same happens with most of the products that eventually end up in the bin without even being used. As most of our guests travel with their own personal products, we offer the essential but also keep a small stock of products at the Front Desk (tooth brush, tooth paste, shaving foam…) for any needs you may have.

Unbreakable plastic glasses (bisphenol free) are at your service in the room. These are washed in a dishwasher and thus can be reused once sterilized. Here again, we opted for an option that is not generating waste (unlikely disposable cups) and ensure your security (fragile glasses).

The small bottle of water in your room is offered with our compliments and will be recycled once empty. That’s why we kindly recommend leaving any empty bottles (glass or plastic) on the floor next to the bin, so as any paper: we can recycle those existing materials and avoid the consumption of further raw materials! Sorting our waste is an obvious, easy, respectful and responsible act.

We give you the freedom to choose whether you wish to participate to our actions by applying these small gestures and hence limiting your impact on the degradation of our lovely planet…and of course, soothe your conscience!

  1. Bear in mind to systematically close your windows when heating your room, likewise to turn off the heater when opening your windows.
  2. When flushing the toilet, use the appropriate water debit.
  3. Switch off the TV and lights when leaving your room; unplug the charger once your device is fully loaded.
  4. Leave empty bottles and papers next to the bin: we will separate them.
  5. Champion public transportation: a bus stop is located right next to the hotel. On Saturdays, the bus line to the city centre is complimentary. If you prefer some motion,  you have the opportunity to rent a bike (Veloh). Our team will be delighted to provide some guidance.